Reasons you should have a Cattree

Whenyou raising a Cat. Cats are friendly animals with humans, they are considered close friends with humans since ancient times.

Like dogs or other pets in the house, cats need to be considered as friends, as members of our family. Nowadays, taking care of a pet has become as important as taking care of a member of your family. Depending on the different characteristics, creating a shelter, a house, a toy or anything for them must be based on careful observation of their personalities and activities.

For Cats, creating a shelter or providing them with a cattree is essential for the following reasons.

Create a private house.

Any animal likes to have a territory or a home of its own, they make the pets feel comfortable and safe in it. Cattree provides them with a unique space specifically suited to each of their different personalities.

As a decoration in your house

Cattree acts as an interior in your house, it can be a small house, a wall painting, a spinning wheel…. it gives banjb1 an interesting feeling when contributing to your home

Protect your chair, sofa, bed

Because cats are animals that often scratch and sharpen their nails, so if you don’t have a cattree or a scratching post, you will accidentally do this on your furniture, which will damage your home. 

Hold the cat’s feet

Cats are animals that love freedom and security, when they grow up and come mating season if we don’t provide a safe and suitable place to live, they will probably go elsewhere.

Gives you better control and cleaning.

When you have a cattree, cleaning the house in general and for the cats in particular will become easier.

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